Present 27 B 27 B 27 B
Future 0 0 0
Edges 27 B Outputs
Node MJ Type
industry_locally_available_electricity 7.29 B Flexible
27.0 %
38.0 %
Node MJ Type
industry_locally_available_steam_hot_water 9.45 B Flexible
35.0 %
Inputs Edges 27 B
100.0 %
Type MJ Node
Share 27 B energy_mixer_for_gas_power_fuel
Edges 0 Outputs
Node MJ Type
industry_locally_available_electricity 0 Flexible
27.0 %
38.0 %
Node MJ Type
industry_locally_available_steam_hot_water 0 Flexible
35.0 %
Inputs Edges 0
100.0 %
Type MJ Node
Share 0 energy_mixer_for_gas_power_fuel


Sector industry
Use energetic
Merit Order
Network Gas
self: electricity_output_curve
Node groups
  1. preset_demand
  2. electricity_production
  3. dispatchable_production
  4. heat_production
  5. mv_net_supply
  6. wacc_proven_tech
  7. costs_production_chp_plants
  8. sankey_conversion_group
Used in Gqueries
  1. chp_electricity_in_source_of_heat_and_electricity_in_industry
  2. chp_heat_in_source_of_heat_and_electricity_in_industry
  3. factsheet_supply_heat_from_rest_and_geothermal
  4. industry_chp_turbine_gas_power_fuelmix
  5. industry_chp_turbine_gas_power_fuelmix_capacity_in_chp_properties
  6. industry_chp_turbine_gas_power_fuelmix_delta_in_investment_cost_table
  7. industry_chp_turbine_gas_power_fuelmix_electricity_production_in_chp_properties
  8. industry_chp_turbine_gas_power_fuelmix_future_in_investment_cost_table
  9. industry_chp_turbine_gas_power_fuelmix_heat_production_in_chp_properties
  10. industry_chp_turbine_gas_power_fuelmix_in_industrial_heat_network_mekko
  11. industry_chp_turbine_gas_power_fuelmix_number_of_units_in_chp_properties
  12. industry_chp_turbine_gas_power_fuelmix_present_in_investment_cost_table
  13. industry_fuelmix_network_gas_in_co2_sankey
  14. industry_fuelmix_oil_in_co2_sankey
  15. merit_order_industry_chp_gas_turbine_availability_in_merit_order_table
  16. merit_order_industry_chp_gas_turbine_capacity_in_merit_order_table
  17. merit_order_industry_chp_gas_turbine_full_load_hours_in_merit_order_table
  18. merit_order_industry_chp_gas_turbine_load_factor_in_merit_order_table
  19. merit_order_industry_chp_gas_turbine_operating_costs_in_merit_order_table
  20. merit_order_industry_chp_gas_turbine_position_in_merit_order_table
  21. total_cost_of_industry_chp_turbine_gas_power_fuelmix
Used in Inputs
  1. capacity_of_industry_chp_turbine_gas_power_fuelmix
  2. efficiency_industry_chp_turbine_gas_power_fuelmix_electricity
  3. efficiency_industry_chp_turbine_gas_power_fuelmix_heat
  4. external_coupling_capacity_of_industry_chp_turbine_gas_power_fuelmix
  5. external_coupling_efficiency_industry_chp_turbine_gas_power_fuelmix_electricity
  6. external_coupling_efficiency_industry_chp_turbine_gas_power_fuelmix_heat
  7. investment_costs_combustion_gas_plant
  8. om_costs_combustion_gas_plant
Method Label Present Future Unit
electricity_output_capacity * number_of_units Installed electrical capacity 791.2 791.2 MW
electricity_output_conversion Electrical efficiency 27.0 27.0 %
heat_output_conversion Heat efficiency 35.0 35.0 %
full_load_hours Full load hours 2,560 0 hour / year
total_investment_over_lifetime_per(:mw_electricity) Investment over lifetime per MW 1196509 1196509 EUR / MW
fixed_operation_and_maintenance_costs_per(:mw_electricity) Fixed operation and maintenance costs 9853 9853 EUR / MW / year
variable_operation_and_maintenance_costs_per_full_load_hour Variable operation and maintenance costs 157 157 EUR / full load hour
wacc Weighted average cost of capital 4.0 4.0 %
takes_part_in_ets Do emissions have to be paid through the ETS? true true boolean
technical_lifetime Technical lifetime 25 25 years
Node Attributes Present Future Change Unit
electricity_output_capacity 31.97 31.97 0% MWe
heat_output_capacity 41.44 41.44 0% MWth
hydrogen_output_capacity 0 0 MW
free_co2_factor 0 0
ccs_capture_rate - -
construction_time 1.5 1.5 0%
electrical_efficiency_when_using_coal - -
electrical_efficiency_when_using_wood_pellets - -
full_load_hours 2,560 0 -100%
households_supplied_per_unit - -
land_use_per_unit - -
takes_part_in_ets 1 1 0% yes=1 / no=0
technical_lifetime 25 25 0% year
typical_input_capacity 118.4 118.4 0% MWinput
output_capacity - - MW
input_efficiency - -
output_efficiency - -
initial_investment 38.25 M 38.25 M 0% euro / unit
ccs_investment 0 0 euro / unit
cost_of_installing 0 0 euro / unit
decommissioning_costs 0 0 euro / unit
fixed_operation_and_maintenance_costs_per_year 315 K 315 K 0% euro / unit / year
variable_operation_and_maintenance_costs_per_full_load_hour 157.5 157.5 0% euro / full load hour
variable_operation_and_maintenance_costs_for_ccs_per_full_load_hour 0 0 euro / full load hour
fixed_costs_per_mw_input_capacity - - euro / MWinput
costs_per_mj - -
wacc 0.04 0.04 0%
profitability - profitable / unprofitable / conditionally_profitable
profit_per_mwh_electricity - - eur/MWh
marginal_costs 75.98 75.98 0% euro / MWh
max_consumption_price 75.98 75.98 0% euro / MWh
merit_order_full_load_hours - -
merit_order_capacity_factor - -
merit_order_position - 18
availability 0.9 0.9 0%
part_load_operating_point - -
part_load_efficiency_penalty - -
forecasting_error - -
demand_expected_value - -
excel_id - -
max_demand - -
Node Calculations Present Future Change Unit
demand 27 B 0 -100%
preset_demand 27 B 27 B 0%
demand_of_sustainable 0 0
weighted_carrier_cost_per_mj 0.004 0.004 0%
weighted_carrier_co2_per_mj 0.058 0.058 0%
sustainability_share 0.004 0.004 0%
final_demand 0 0
primary_demand 27.36 B 0 -100%
primary_demand_of_fossil 27.24 B 0 -100%
primary_demand_of_sustainable 115.26 M 0 -100%
primary_demand_of_crude_oil 2.15 B 0 -100%
primary_demand_of_biogas 114.35 M 0 -100%
primary_demand_of_lng 365.34 M 0 -100%
primary_demand_of_natural_gas 24.72 B 0 -100%
input_capacity 118.4 118.4 0%
electric_based_input_capacity 118.4 118.4 0% MWinput
heat_based_input_capacity 118.4 118.4 0% MWinput
cooling_based_input_capacity - - MWinput
number_of_units 24.75 24.75 0%
total_costs_per(:plant) 8,874 K 2,656 K -70% euro / plant
fixed_costs_per(:plant) 2,656 K 2,656 K 0%
cost_of_capital_per(:plant) 811 K 811 K 0%
depreciation_costs_per(:plant) 1,530 K 1,530 K 0%
variable_costs_per(:plant) 6,218 K 0 -100%
fuel_costs_per(:plant) 4,879 K 0 -100%
co2_emissions_costs_per(:plant) 936 K 0 -100%
captured_biogenic_co2_costs_per(:plant) 0 0
fixed_operation_and_maintenance_costs_per(:plant) 315 K 315 K 0%
variable_operation_and_maintenance_costs_per(:plant) 403 K 0 -100%
total_initial_investment_per(:plant) 38.25 M 38.25 M 0%
total_costs_per(:node) 219.62 M 65.73 M -70%
fixed_costs_per(:node) 65.73 M 65.73 M 0%
cost_of_capital_per(:node) 20.07 M 20.07 M 0%
depreciation_costs_per(:node) 37.87 M 37.87 M 0%
variable_costs_per(:node) 153.89 M 0 -100%
fuel_costs_per(:node) 120.74 M 0 -100%
co2_emissions_costs_per(:node) 23.17 M 0 -100%
captured_biogenic_co2_costs_per(:node) 0 0
fixed_operation_and_maintenance_costs_per(:node) 7,796 K 7,796 K 0%
variable_operation_and_maintenance_costs_per(:node) 9,979 K 0 -100%
total_initial_investment_per(:node) 946.63 M 946.63 M 0%
total_costs_per(:mw_electricity) 278 K 83,080 -70%
fixed_costs_per(:mw_electricity) 83,080 83,080 0%
cost_of_capital_per(:mw_electricity) 25,366 25,366 0%
depreciation_costs_per(:mw_electricity) 47,860.4 47,860.4 0%
variable_costs_per(:mw_electricity) 195 K 0 -100%
fuel_costs_per(:mw_electricity) 153 K 0 -100%
co2_emissions_costs_per(:mw_electricity) 29,291.4 0 -100%
captured_biogenic_co2_costs_per(:mw_electricity) 0 0
fixed_operation_and_maintenance_costs_per(:mw_electricity) 9,853.6 9,853.6 0%
variable_operation_and_maintenance_costs_per(:mw_electricity) 12,612.6 0 -100%
total_initial_investment_per(:mw_electricity) 1,197 K 1,197 K 0%
total_costs_per(:mwh_electricity) 108.4 0 -100%
fixed_costs_per(:mwh_electricity) 32.45 0 -100%
cost_of_capital_per(:mwh_electricity) 9.91 0 -100%
depreciation_costs_per(:mwh_electricity) 18.7 0 -100%
variable_costs_per(:mwh_electricity) 75.98 NaN
fuel_costs_per(:mwh_electricity) 59.61 NaN
co2_emissions_costs_per(:mwh_electricity) 11.44 NaN
captured_biogenic_co2_costs_per(:mwh_electricity) 0 NaN
fixed_operation_and_maintenance_costs_per(:mwh_electricity) 3.85 0 -100%
variable_operation_and_maintenance_costs_per(:mwh_electricity) 4.93 NaN
total_initial_investment_per(:mwh_electricity) 467.4 0 -100%
total_costs_per(:mw_heat) 214 K 64,090.3 -70%
fixed_costs_per(:mw_heat) 64,090.3 64,090.3 0%
cost_of_capital_per(:mw_heat) 19,568.1 19,568.1 0%
depreciation_costs_per(:mw_heat) 36,920.8 36,920.8 0%
variable_costs_per(:mw_heat) 150 K 0 -100%
fuel_costs_per(:mw_heat) 118 K 0 -100%
co2_emissions_costs_per(:mw_heat) 22,596.2 0 -100%
captured_biogenic_co2_costs_per(:mw_heat) 0 0
fixed_operation_and_maintenance_costs_per(:mw_heat) 7,601.4 7,601.4 0%
variable_operation_and_maintenance_costs_per(:mw_heat) 9,729.7 0 -100%
total_initial_investment_per(:mw_heat) 923 K 923 K 0%
total_costs_per(:mwh_heat) 83.65 0 -100%
fixed_costs_per(:mwh_heat) 25.04 0 -100%
cost_of_capital_per(:mwh_heat) 7.64 0 -100%
depreciation_costs_per(:mwh_heat) 14.42 0 -100%
variable_costs_per(:mwh_heat) 58.62 NaN
fuel_costs_per(:mwh_heat) 45.99 NaN
co2_emissions_costs_per(:mwh_heat) 8.83 NaN
captured_biogenic_co2_costs_per(:mwh_heat) 0 NaN
fixed_operation_and_maintenance_costs_per(:mwh_heat) 2.97 0 -100%
variable_operation_and_maintenance_costs_per(:mwh_heat) 3.8 NaN
total_initial_investment_per(:mwh_heat) 360.6 0 -100%